Ultimele evolutii ale pietei resurselor combustibililor , evoloutiile strategice pe piata petrolului si gazelor naturale , ca si schimbarile climatice generate de incalzirea globala , au determinat majoritatea statelor lumii sa treaca la actiuni concrete pentru redefinirea strategica a asigurarii surselor de energie .Astfel Uniunea Europeana si-a stabilit prin planuri strategice stimularea dezvoltarii productiei de ,,green energy'' utilizand toate formele de surse ,,regenerabile '' de energie , apa , vant , soare , plante ...in acest segment poate fi integrat si gunoiul menajer , vazut ca sursa continua si nelimitata de materie prima , necesar a fi refolosita .Transformarea lui in energie utile , este o preocupare stringenta a oricarei entitati statale si administrative .Din pacate , desi avansul technologic este considerabil , autoritatile romanesti sunt extrem de reticente la incurajarea parteneriatelor cu entitati private dispuse sa investeasca in acest sector .Este cazul nostru , si mentionez ca , prezentul demers este adresat oricarei persoane cu putere de decizie sau loby , in sensul legal acceptat in lume , pentru stabilirea unui astfel de parteneriat.Avem nevoie doar de acordul autoritatii publice pentru a dezvolta un proiect de conversie ecologica a deseurilor municipale in energie , termica si /sau electrica .Astepatm cu speranta !
DETALII (english) :
Table of Contents
Introduction/Business model
4Green specializes in comprehensive solution for waste treatment, (MSW), and Animal manure from agriculture. We also provide agriculture planning and consultant services,
We have a multidisciplinary team of experts which are assembled in accordance with each project nature, goals and client’s needs and concerns.
4Green performs within a step by step frame of work system. We enable our client to choose the services he wants from the scope of services we provide. We conduct brain storming and roundtable discussions after the first phase, (preliminary study), and in the second phase, (comprehensive project file).
4Green Canada insists on performing and complying with the sequence of its action plane list, step by step.
Our team
Our team includes leading professionals and experts in their fields.
Emil Cohen, Agronomist, CEO, Agriculture consultant. Waste management expert.
Dr. Gregory Yomdin Economics, statistics researcher and model developer
Eng. Frank Riedel, machinery, waste treatment plants, Germany
Eng. Olaf Goetting, Process Engineer, for waste treatment Germany
Eng. Morris Ben Dahan, Management and Safety, Israel
Dr. Eli Elbaz, Psychologist, Community Involvement and Awareness, Israel.
Farage Josef. Accountant; funding expert. Israel
Dr. Zina Zugman, Researcher, Israel
Igal Foux, expert guide for dairy cattle branch. Israel
Nitsan Rotman, Agronomist and guide for orchard.
Yoni Gal, Agronomist, Orchards soil and water expert
Dr. Hadas Cohen, Entomology Pesticide Expert.
Ira Rubin Alkalai, legal advisor.
Guidelines for planning
Our approach for Waste Management projects is based upon few main guidelines amongst them:
• Central Waste Treatment Plant, (CWTP),- all waste is disposed and treated under one roof.
• Location, the optimal site for waste treatment are closed disposal sites; active disposal sites; nearby wastewater treatment plants.
• Modularity and Flexibility, The plant should be modular for future expansion.
• The plant should flexible to receive and treat efficiently varied sources of waste: municipal solid waste; agriculture waste and residues; animal manure; food industry; slaughterhouse waste; sewage sludge (WWTP).
Methods and tools
To accomplish best results in comprehensive solutions for urban waste treatment and, we apply our action plan list step by step approach and implement our guidelines framework. Models for biogas prediction; model for collection and transportation of waste; Mass and energy balances; Norms and statistic official tables.
Our team of expert led by Emil Cohen and Dr. Gregory Yom din
The services we provide/perform.
4Green provides the following services and works:
1. Consultancy services for urban waste management, MSW and Animal manure.
2. Preliminary reports and surveys
3. Comprehensive study and project files
Including CDM services, preparing PIN, PDD, negotiations and correspondence until registration of the project
4. Complete package of escort for agriculture and waste management project. A-Z management.
5. Stuff training and ongoing escort for guidance as requested by the client.
6. The cost for comprehensive study is 70,000 €.
Comprehensive study includes: advanced data processing; application of models and further calculations; detailed investment presentation; quotations from suppliers for the equipment and facilities; accurate calculations and evaluation of environment, technological, community and economical aspects; all necessary permits and licenses, for building, marketing, contracts and land lease agreements; approvals and endorsement letter from local authorities. proposed financial solution; contracts with companies and suppliers; framework and timetable of the project; list of engineering services and providers; proposed engineering supervision; stuff training plan; possible local abilities that can participate in the project; CDM services,(PIN,PDD, etc..). Complete business plan ready for external due diligence.
Estimated 60 working days
CDM services,(PIN;PDD), 40 working days.
Costs for Validator contract and due diligence excluded
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